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Ex- Boyfriends Quotes Anyone?

Most ex-boyfriends quotes are written to be sarcastic or they are written to offer comfort on a failed relationship. No matter the reasons these quotes may soothe that aching heart or calm those turbulent moments you are going through. But do they really help?

Many of these quotes about ex-boyfriends or spouses can sometimes come across as too comical and fail to recognize the hurt and pain that are being visited on the partners who still want the relationship or a chance to get their ex-boyfriends back.

One classical (to me) ex-boyfriend quote I came across recently was:-
Let bygones be bygones
Let the loser go
Life in all it beauty always move on
Get up! Cheer up! On loves bounty we quench our thirst so

Now as ex-boyfriends quotes go this is indeed a cheerful one, however it usually takes more than this to get us out of the doldrums.

I truly believe that in these trying times of introspection it is always good to do some reading whether it is about boyfriends, girlfriends or relationships in general. Good books on love and family usually are good therapy.

Occasionally, the desire maybe to get your ex-boyfriend back cause you still love him and there are some eBooks and other books out there which show you how and it wouldn’t hurt to read one or two if its your desire. You may find some pretty good quotes in them. It certainly couldn’t be worse than how you are feeling.

In conclusion, here is a great quote on love from one of the great sages on love: Kalil Gibran:-
Follow your heart
Your heart is the right guide in everything big
Mine is so limited
What you want to do is determined by that divine element that is in each of us.

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