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She loves morning sleep but gets up early at the daybreak and puts the coffee pot for brewing. And she makes the sandwiches for day's lunch. Why she should sacrifice her pleasant sleep? Her husband doesn't grumble and even might be ready if asked to get the things done by him.
Husband knows that she reaches home late in the evening, after the hectic office duty. She doesn't go to bed unless she completes all the pending work of kids, husband, pet dog as well as fishes in the pond. She takes all those minor and major matters as her sole responsibility.

Sometimes husband thinks whether she is doing justice to herself? She finds an entire home her province; drawing room to bath and bedroom to kitchen. She works, works and works at the cost of her repose and sleep. In the language of modern management, is it not a non-remunerative work. Why, why, why?

We know many dedicated people who sacrifice their entire lives at the service of the needy, poor, sick or illiterate. They do not work for any sort of material gain, or for fame. On the contrary, at times, they put their own money and prefer to stay backstage. Why, why, why?
It is The Love.
The housewife loves all the living and nonliving entities in her home. And for the sake of love she commits all her cozy comfort and very, very pleasant sleep. And these saintly people, marked by utter benignity, devote their whole life.
It is the true love. It is the pure love. It is an eternal love. Those people beg longer life to the Great almighty, that they would be able to 'enjoy' their dedicated life in the service of others. And when someone bestows his or her life with whole hearted sacrifice, without any materialistic avarice, money flows to them from unknown sources. Someone has rightly said that love begets love. In the same way, love begets wealth. Now we can proclaim that sacrifice too begets wealth.

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